Have you ever secretly wondered whether you and your partner were just weird – or whether other couples relate around money the same way you do? Now’s your chance to learn how healthy YOU are in love and money! Learn what areas actually are “red flags” that you need to work on – and in which areas you are doing well.
Important note: This assessment is designed for those who share money with a romantic partner. If you are not sharing money, you will not be able to answer many of these questions. (We use the words “spouse” and “partner,” and “marriage” and “relationship” interchangeably.) We suggest you each take this assessment separately, then compare notes about your results.
This should take you about 5 minutes
Please DO NOT take this assessment when you are physically near your spouse/partner, or discuss it until after the assessment is complete.
Please be candid. This assessment is for your benefit; to get real results, you need to answer honestly.
When answer choices don’t exactly capture how you would have answered, choose the answer that is closest to yours.
Do not overthink this. Your first response is probably the right one.
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For your convenience, the test results will be emailed to you.
Click to view results
* Creation of the Thriving in Love and Money assessment was sponsored in part by FamilyLife and GLOO.
*(By providing your email, you agree to receive occasional emails with articles and tips from Shaunti Feldhahn. You can unsubscribe at any time.)